
Some miracles have occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, 但不幸的是, 对奥兰的盖恩斯家族来说不是, Mo. Family members speak out to convince others to take COVID-19 very seriously and become aware of its potentially deadly consequences.


“I feel compelled to share the following information to increase your awareness of how serious COVID-19 can be. The decisions and actions you make each day can ultimately impact another life. The question is if it will be a positive impact or one that can lead to devastation,莎拉·盖恩斯·杨解释道, 约翰·罗伯特·盖恩斯的女儿.

“在COVID-19病毒爆发时, my worst fear was the outcome if my 58- and 63-year-old parents should get it. 不幸的是, this fear became a reality in October when my dad was exposed and faced a six-week battle against the virus and its complications.”

During the initial weeks, Gaines experienced many of the common COVID symptoms. ‘He started to improve after two weeks, and we thought he was on the road to recovery. 然而, pneumonia set in during the third week following symptom onset, and he was admitted to the COVID Care Unit at Saint Francis Medical Center in week four when his oxygen saturation plummeted to just 74 percent,Young分享道。.

Gaines did well overall the first few days at Saint Francis while receiving oxygen, 但他的饱和水平进一步下降. 他被插管并注射了镇静剂.

“After being on the vent for a week, he seemed to be progressing well. 下一步是呼吸和觉醒试验, 哪一种方法会让你开始脱离排气口. 不幸的是, the following days did not go as we had hoped, and his condition worsened. He relied more on vent support and increased sedation. His kidney function decreased, and he required multiple rounds of dialysis. 这周末之前, doctors noted multi-organ failure and that my dad’s body was shutting down,Young继续说道。.


“COVID-19 is a horrible virus, and it spreads way too easily. 请不要轻视病毒. If you or others do not experience major symptoms with COVID, count your blessings. 谢天谢地,事情没有变得更糟, but know that it is NOT an excuse to pretend the virus is not a big deal, 因为它是,杨强调说。.

Young begs, “Please, do your part in decreasing the spread. 由于大量无症状个体, it is critical for everyone to follow CDC guidance and not unknowingly place others around you at unnecessary risk. 戴好口罩并正确佩戴. 避免人群聚集,保持社交距离. 不要自满. 不要放松警惕. A few precautions taken by you can be the difference in life or death for someone else.”


“At the beginning, I did not have fears because I thought for sure John was going to improve. Other people had been on the vent, eventually got off and got sent home. 他在重症监护室似乎每天都在好转, 我们想星期六, 11月21日, was the day he would have his sedation lessened and be able to do breathing trials,黛比·盖恩斯说, 他结婚38年的妻子.


The entire family participated in a nine-day novena to St. 裘德,盖恩斯父亲最喜欢的圣人. 该仪式于11月21日完成.

然而,从那天起,他的病情似乎每天都在恶化. His lungs were in worse shape than we knew from years of having rheumatoid arthritis, 他挣扎着呼吸. 从那天起, our fears were maybe he would not improve enough to get off the vent and that he would die or be in a very critical state the rest of his life.”

“当你想到你的生活, you think you will be with your spouse for a very long time, grow old together and enjoy many special moments along the way. You do not think he will be taken away from you very early in his life and have you live on without him. When that reality hits, you have a better understanding of what life really is. I know John is now out of pain from his rheumatoid arthritis, 顶部是COVID, 与他在天上永在的父同在,黛比如释重负地说.


The family complimented Saint Francis on the high quality of care Gaines received. They felt well informed of his condition even though unable to visit during his stay. The staff was always willing to talk with the family when phoning in for updates. They expressed true appreciation for the respiratory therapists, nurses and John’s physicians.

黛比了, “We were impressed with [the physicians]: How [they] kept us informed, 他们长时间照顾约翰, [their] concern for us and the level of care [they] provided John. [They] made sure the entire family was on the same page regarding John’s health.”

The family was allowed to be with John Gaines when his time on Earth was near an end. 虽然这是一个悲伤的时刻, the family feels uplifted by the love and compassion displayed by the Saint Francis staff. 除了他的妻子, Gaines’ sisters Betty Gaines Essner and 玛莎 Gaines Hamm were by his side when he passed.*



“I am so thankful for…all those [providers] whose names I do not know that showed compassion to us that night, 从保安那里 急诊科 to the nurses in the ICU, that made it possible for us to be with my brother during his last hours. 我也很感激 田园保健 and all the professional personnel that cared for and were there with my brother when we could not be with him,埃斯纳宣称.

63岁的约翰·罗伯特·盖恩斯(约翰·罗伯特·盖恩斯)来自密苏里州奥兰., passed away November 29, 2020, at Saint Francis Medical Center in Cape Girardeau. 他一生都是农民,最近于2017年退休. 他离开了妻子黛比, 女儿萨拉, 儿子德里克。, 弟弟安德鲁, 和姐妹玛丽·安, 玛莎, 唐娜和贝蒂.

* Saint Francis allows for compassionate visitation for those passing with varying restrictions based on the situation.